African Methodist Episcopal Church

The Wateree District


Dear Wateree District Family,

I continue to be blessed and humbled by the favor of God upon my ministry as I serve as your Presiding Elder. Kim and I are sincerely appreciative for the ongoing hospitality and many acts of kindness expressed and shown to us throughout the District from both clergy and laity. Your love, support, and cooperation to this ministry called African Methodism is a true reflection on your commitment to your faith and a reflection of God’s love.

I am thankful to my Bishop, the Right Reverend Samuel L. Green, Sr. for this opportunity to serve the people of the Wateree District. I also remain thankful to him and Supervisor Phyllis N. Green for their continued support and guidance.

THANK YOU to each of the pastors, the clergy and faithful laity for your outstanding commitment and support to the District and the spirit in which you have done it! May God continue to show favor on each of you and your ministry. Kim and I love you all, but God loves you best because of your faithfulness.

To everyone, as we continue to serve God through our mission in “Transforming the Wateree District through Evangelism, Discipleship, and Engaging Ministries”, I solicit your continued prayers and support.

Forever in His Grace,

Presiding Elder Tee

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

​​Greetings from The Presiding Elder